National Cadet Corps (NCC)

The NATIONAL CADET CORPS (NCC) in India is a voluntary organization that recruits cadets from high schools and colleges The Cadets are provided military training in small arms and parades.
The aims of NCC :

  • To develop qualities of character, courage, camaraderie, discipline, leadership, secular outlook, spirit of adventure and the ideals of selfless service amongst the youth of the country.
  • To create a human resource of organized, trained and motivated youth, to provide leadership in all walks of life and be always available for the service of the nation.
  • To provide a suitable environment to motivate the youth to take up a career in the Armed forces. The students should enroll with the in-charge of the NCC unit of the college.


NCC Activities


NCC Activities

5 girls of GCW Parade for RDC 2023

Contingent jk&l Directorate NCC . Directotate also set a bar and secured 5th rank out of 17 Directotates.

Visit to Old age home by 100 NCC cadates, 22nd Nov, 2020
The following activities were conducted

  • Distribution of mask
  • Awareness about covid 19
  • distribution of food items.

On 04 Feb 2021, NCC Cadets of 2 J&K GIRLS BN. 80 NCC from G.C.W Parade Ground,Jammu celebrated World Cancer Day at G.M.C. Hospital Bakshi Nagar ,Jammu along with ANO Lt.Suman lata and other staff members. The theme of cancer day is "We Can I Can ". Cadet Gulshan Biby and Dr.Monika interacted with the local people at hospital and spread awareness among them regarding symptoms and preventions of Cancer with the help of visual aids e.g. posters and charts. Dr.Zulfikar and Dr.Zafir Iqbal interacted with Ncc Cadets and appreciated their efforts .

On the occasion of national Martyrs Day on 30 jan 2021, A function was held on Balidan Stambh jammu. Which was organized by Director sainik welfear . The chief guest on this occasion was Sardar Farooq Ahmed khan . 10 ncc cadets of Gcw parade lead by SUO sheetal bhat participated along with Lt. Ano Suman Lata. Cap Bana Singh , Param Vir Chakra , who appreciated all ncc cadets for their enthusiastic performances Flag Rally PULWAMA ATTACK, 14th Feb, 2021. 120 NCC cadates pay tribute to martyers in Balidan stambh, jammu. Road rally was held from parade ground Jammu to balidan stambh Jammu.

NCC Events


Parent Teacher Meeting-1
Parent Teacher Meeting -2
National Youth Parliament